You are qualified to register to vote in Ohio if you meet all the following requirements:
- You are a citizen of the United States.
- You will be at least 18 years old on or before the day of the general election.
- You will be a resident of Ohio for at least 30 days immediately before the election in which you want to vote.
- You are not incarcerated (in jail or prison) for a felony conviction.
- You have not been declared incompetent for voting purposes by a probate court.
- You have not been permanently disenfranchised for violations of the election laws.
NOTICE: Your registration or change must be received or postmarked by the 30th day before an election at which you intend to vote. You will be notified by your county board of elections of the location where you vote. If you do not receive a notice prior to Election Day, please contact your county board of elections.
Required Information:
Lines 1 and 2 on the registration form are required by law. You must answer both questions, or your registration cannot be processed. This is a common disqualification that keeps voters from being registered by the deadline.
Line 3 must include you legal first, last and middle name or initial.
Line 4 – 6 must include your current address.
- Your voting residence is the location that you consider to be a permanent, not a temporary, residence. Your voting residence is the place in which your habitation is fixed and to which, whenever you are absent, you intend to return. If you do not have a fixed place of habitation, but you are a consistent or regular inhabitant of a shelter or other location to which you intend to return, you may use that shelter or other location as your residence for purposes of registering to vote. If you have questions about your specific residency circumstances, you may contact your local board of elections for further information.
Line 9 must include your birthdate.
Line 10- Current valid photo identification card, state ID card number, OR last four digits of Social Security number.
Line 14- Your registration cannot be processed without your signature. Please affix your signature or mark taking care that it does not touch surrounding lines or type so it can be effectively used to verify your identity. If your signature is a mark, include the name and address of the person who witnessed the mark beneath the signature line. If by reason of disability you are unable to physically sign, you may follow specific procedures found in Ohio law (R.C. 3501.382) to appoint an attorney-in-fact who may sign this form on your behalf at your direction and in your presence. Please call our office for help with the Attorney in Fact forms.
Voters must bring photo identification to the polls to verify identity. Voters who do not provide identification will still be able to cast a provisional ballot pursuant to R.C. 3505.181. For more information on voter identification requirements, please consult the Secretary of State’s website at: https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/voter-eligibility-residency-reqs/or call 877-SOS-OHIO (877-767-6446).